league news
Coaches Please Read – Post Season Info (click here)
3rd Grade Teams post Season Game (click here)
2025 Season Info
Jan: 11, 18, 25
Feb: 1, 8, 15, 22
March: 1st
Note: Some teams may have one or two Sunday afternoon games, besides or in place of the Saturday games listed
Season ending tournament for 4th-6th grade divisions will run March 4th – 14th.
Practice dates and times are set by the availability of gym time at the school and organized by the registration coordinators & coaches. Most teams will practice 1-2 times a week for about 60-90 minutes. Use the email link in the ‘Contact your Registration Coordinator’ news item to obtain more specifics on practices.
Do You Like This League?
To keep this league going for next season, we need more people on the league board. We meet once a year and each takes a small task, some that can be done remotely on the computer. Please consider helping or perhaps you have a relative that would like to help. THIS IS FOR the KIDS. Please use Contact link to express your interest.
This is a per game fee. So if your team has a double header, the fee will need to be paid again for 2nd game.


Request for New League Board Members
Please consider volunteering your time or perhaps you know of a relative, grandparent or former athletic director who would like to be involved with kids by helping this league continue. Many hands make light work. This league has benefitted over 10,000 kids since it began 26 years ago. Please contact us through the web site and we will provide further details. Thank you for your consideration.